Psycho-Cardiovascular Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a method that promotes a trance resembling sleep that allows for changes in behavior by heightening susceptibility to suggestion. We can conceptualize hypnosis as a psychological state or as a set of attitudes and mental processes. Psycho-Cardiovascular Hypnosis connects the brain’s electromagnetic field with the electromagnetic field of heart through energetic, subtle, and […]
Thurne Method
The Thurne Method, developed by Swiss-born Claudia Thurne, is based on ancient Chinese medicine practiced in the Shaolin temple. This method integrates notions of ancient medicine, quantum physics, shamanic studies of the Amazon, and contemporary Transgenerational analysis (Family Tree). It consists of tools and specific protocols that eliminate the ailment from the root of the […]
Energy Neuropsychophysiology of Movement (ENM)
Energy Neuropsychophysiology of Movement (ENM) is a novel therapeutic approach in which a facilitator creates a spiritual connection with Source. The Source generates a specific frequency that, when interacting with the physical body, establishes a translation that manifests through movement. Movement carries with it energy and information that impact the therapist or another physical body, […]