Advanced Testing

Advanced functional medicine tests are specialized diagnostic tools that provide detailed insights into various aspects of an individual’s health and well-being beyond what traditional medical tests may reveal. These tests often utilize advanced laboratory techniques and technologies to assess biomarkers, hormone levels, nutritional status, gut health, genetic predispositions, environmental toxins, and other factors that may contribute to health imbalances or chronic conditions.

Examples of advanced functional medicine tests include:

  1. Comprehensive stool analysis: This test evaluates the composition of the gut microbiome, digestive function, presence of pathogens, and markers of intestinal inflammation. It can help identify imbalances in gut flora and digestive dysfunction, which may contribute to a wide range of health issues, including gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune diseases, and mental health conditions.
  1. Hormone testing: Hormone panels assess levels of various hormones, such as cortisol, thyroid hormones, sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone), and adrenal hormones. Imbalances in hormone levels can contribute to symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, and reproductive issues.
  1. Nutritional testing: These tests measure levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids, and other nutrients in the body. Nutritional deficiencies can impact overall health and may contribute to symptoms such as fatigue, immune dysfunction, cognitive decline, and mood disorders.
  1. Food sensitivity testing: Food sensitivity tests identify immune reactions to specific foods or food components, such as gluten, dairy, or certain proteins. Identifying and eliminating trigger foods can help alleviate symptoms such as digestive issues, skin problems, joint pain, and inflammation.
  1. Genetic testing: Genetic tests assess genetic variations (single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs) that may influence an individual’s susceptibility to certain health conditions, nutrient metabolism, detoxification capacity, and other factors. Understanding genetic predispositions can inform personalized treatment approaches and lifestyle modifications.
  1. Environmental toxin testing: These tests measure levels of heavy metals, pesticides, mold toxins, and other environmental pollutants in the body. Exposure to toxins can contribute to chronic health issues such as fatigue, cognitive impairment, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.
  1. Biological age testing: Also known as telomere testing, is a type of assessment that aims to determine an individual’s biological age, which is a measure of how well their body is aging compared to their chronological age. Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that shorten as cells divide and age. Shorter telomeres are associated with cellular aging and increased risk of age-related diseases, while longer telomeres are linked to better health and longevity.

Advanced functional medicine tests can help healthcare providers identify underlying imbalances, dysfunctions, and risk factors that may contribute to chronic health issues. By obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of an individual’s unique biochemistry, practitioners can develop personalized treatment plans tailored to address specific imbalances and promote optimal health and wellness. These tests may also help track progress over time and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

Panacea Biomedical Institutes works with a variety of companies to offer patients the best available testing options. Some examples: